About our online Membership Program

Pure Dog Adventure Training is delighted to announce the forthcoming launch of our brand new online membership program. This online platform brings our beloved Scent Detection and Sports Classes right to your living room, offering a unique and convenient training experience.

Our membership program opens up a world of practical, hands-on training methods that are not only effective but also fun and engaging for your dog. It’s focused on two main areas: Scent Detection and Sports Classes.

Scent Detection

In our Scent Detection segment, we aim to make you an excellent handler with superior skills. We help you understand the nuances of your dog’s extraordinary olfactory world, enhancing your ability to guide them effectively in scent detection tasks. This form of training has many benefits:

  1. It strengthens the bond between you and your dog by encouraging teamwork.
  2. It provides mental stimulation, keeping your dog’s mind sharp and engaged.
  3. It improves your dog’s confidence, resilience, and problem-solving abilities.

Sports Classes

Our Sports Classes, are about diversifying your dog’s training regimen with a blend of activities inspired by Gundog, Hoopers, Obedience and Parkour training. These classes provide the following benefits:

  1. They improve your dog’s agility, confidence, and strength.
  2. They promote better communication and understanding between you and your dog.
  3. They offer a fantastic physical exercise routine for your dog, keeping them fit and healthy.

For just £37 a month, you’ll receive access to:

  • Monthly Webinar: Participate in our engaging webinars, where we discuss various topics, answer your queries, and share valuable insights and training tips.
  • Training Plans: Receive tailored training plans designed by our experts, based on your dog’s breed, age, and individual needs.
  • Q&A Sessions: Get your training-related questions answered directly by our experienced trainers.
  • Video Analysis & Feedback: Send us your training videos, and we’ll provide constructive feedback, helping you fine-tune your training techniques.
  • Monthly Lessons with Progression Ideas: Enjoy a new lesson every month, complete with ideas to help your dog progress further.
  • Supportive Community: Join our thriving online community of fellow dog lovers and share your journey.

Join the Waitlist

Be the first to explore this fantastic opportunity. Sign up for our waitlist today to receive regular updates about the program, and be the first to know when it goes live. This is your chance to take the first step towards an enriched training experience for both you and your dog.

We would love to share more information. Don’t forget to tell us about your dog!